More About Me...

Here u'll find the best and the worst of PJ's in the world which will blow your minds off, we call 'em "fattas".

Another Tit-Bit...

The world of PJ's is entirely different from rest of the comic sense. It is beyond the thinking of logic and common sense. It provides extra ability to cheer up your friends and family and gain a particular place in everybody's heart.

K-no-led-ge Fatta...

Once in MIT, there was an Indian student.
He was very briliant, and his General Knowledge (GK)
was excellent.
He won every Quiz in the institute .... Once he fell
in love with a Phirang i girl...
He proposed the girl, but She straight way rejected
him ... calling himBloody Desi...
So after this, his GK fell drastically, and he stopped
taking part in Quiz
and all.....
Now, u tell me the reason ... WHY ???











Jab Dil hee toot gaya....
toh GK kya karenge ...

1 Comment:

  1. PJ Master said...
    assm hai bhai
    fatteriyon ki kami nai hai...

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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent