More About Me...

Here u'll find the best and the worst of PJ's in the world which will blow your minds off, we call 'em "fattas".

Another Tit-Bit...

The world of PJ's is entirely different from rest of the comic sense. It is beyond the thinking of logic and common sense. It provides extra ability to cheer up your friends and family and gain a particular place in everybody's heart.

A normal JOKE, zyada 'P' nai hai isme............

Zail Singh decided to write the MBA exam. He could understand every
thing except
for the LOGIC part.

One day when he was reading, Rajiv came home.

Rajiv: Zail Singhji How is your MBA preparation?

Zail : Every thing is fine, but I could not understand Logic.

Rajiv: Logic is very easy.

Zail : Can you give me an example, so that I can understand.

Rajiv: OK. Do you have fish pot in your house ?

Zail : YES.

Rajiv: Logically ,there will be water in it.

Zail : YES.

Rajiv: Logically, there will be fish in it.

Zail : YES.

Rajiv: Logically. someone will be feeding the fish.

Zail : YES.

Rajiv: I take a guess that your wife will be feeding the fish.

Zail : YES.

Rajiv: so, Logically, your are married.

Zail : YES.

Rajiv: So, that means U are a heterosexual.

Zail Singh was very glad and he understood logic.

Next day he sees Buta Singh who was also preparing for MBA.

Zail : How is your MBA preparation?

Buta : Everything is fine except for the logic.

Zail : Oh, logic is easy.

Buta : Please, give me an example.

Zail : Do you have a fish pot in your house?

Buta : NO, I don't.

Zail : Saala HOMO!!!


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