More About Me...

Here u'll find the best and the worst of PJ's in the world which will blow your minds off, we call 'em "fattas".

Another Tit-Bit...

The world of PJ's is entirely different from rest of the comic sense. It is beyond the thinking of logic and common sense. It provides extra ability to cheer up your friends and family and gain a particular place in everybody's heart.

Banta on Beach...

One Sardar was enjoying Sun on a Beach in UK.A lady came and asked
him, " Are you relaxing" Sardar answered '" No I am Banta Singh"
Another Guy Came and asked the same Question. Sardar answered " No No
Me Banta Singh" Third one came and asked the same question Sardar was
totally annoyed and decided to shift his place.

While walking he saw
another Sardar enjoying the Beach. He went and asked him " Are you
Relaxing?" The other Sardar was much educated and answered "Yes I am
relaxing. The Sardar slapped him on his face and said "Idiot, Sab
tere Ko wahahn dhoond rahe hai aur tu Yahaan Aaram Kar raha hai. "


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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent